Altered and Relaxed

October 8, 2017 Kirk Merlin
Beer sure is popular.
And marijuana is getting more popular and more socially acceptable, too.
That's a lot of people looking to relax or alter their conscious mind.
Like me.
Right now.
Why do I smoke weed? First, I do it because I don't really have many responsibilities. I do it because I spend a lot of time alone and it helps pass the time. I do it to relax. I do it to become more witty. I do it to feel more comfortable in social situations. I do it to feel the energy of the world tingle my skin. I do it to put a smile on my face and say hi to more people. I do it to make food taste more vibrant. I do it to make loud places feel energetic instead of annoying. I do it to help me feel at one with the universe. I do it because it helps me better understand myself. It opens up parts of me that my ego tries to keep closed. It helps me to love myself (not to mention everything & everyone else around me). And that helps me to go through my day exuding more love and compassion.
(pic is from my hike on Pacific Crest Trail in California, summer 2014)