Feel The Energy

October 9, 2017 Kirk Merlin

I write this as I sit atop a picnic table near the railroad tracks. The picnic table is barely standing, nails sticking out above its faded grey planks like trees after a big storm.


My head has a nice buzz going from the legal CO weed I smoked..next to the tracks..along the gravel road.. by the broken picnic table in the sun. Being in nature with the occasional train is a wonderful experience stoned. My body is tingling and my senses are heightened. The leaves and grass chime more audibly and birds are more present. The wind on my bare arms is rustling each of my arm hairs and I can feel it. Each of my arm hairs is blowing in the breeze like the tall grasses down by the tracks.
And then when a train goes by the rumbling and clanging is positively penetrating. I close my eyes and just feel the energy. Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them.
Close your eyes and empty your mind and just listen. Listen to your breath, to the ambient sounds around you.
Feel it.
Feel the energy.