Month: November 2018

November 13, 2018 Kirk Merlin

This one just came to me in about 10 seconds while I was watching my tea steep yesterday morning. Normally I’m impatient with my tea and wriggle the bag around to try to speed up the steeping process. But yesterday I just stared at it for about 90 seconds as the water slowly changed colors to the shade I like. It was really quite beautiful to watch. And while I was watching it, an energetic surge expressed itself as tears of gratitude and these words came to me rapidly. So I wrote them down and share them here.

It’s happening!
It’s happening!
The mud before the blossoming.

Like ancient tales of lotus told
The muck is thick before the gold.

There’s much at stake
Just step inside
Out of the cold.

Honestly, I don’t know how much I dig this one. It feels a little direct for me, artistically speaking. But I share it here for the sake of honest expression and to tell the story of how it happened. This never used to happen to me. I was logical. Math major.
I feel like I understand it a bit now how songwriters or artists sometimes have inspiration come to them. It’s begun to happen to me in the last year, and I believe is directly connected to both my meditation practice and use of cannabis.

November 12, 2018 Kirk Merlin

To the goddesses tea and cannabis,
the women I spend each morning with
thank you for this moment of bliss.

–Kirk Merlin

November 5, 2018 Kirk Merlin

Good poetry
the United States
reveal a secret:

“I am
just a cookbook.

Preheat oven

           — Kirk Merlin